In this respect, Alice in Wonderland, a classic short story which I think helped to form my vision for a future driven by technology, was also a system—a one that, through its dialogue of technology...
With Each Passing Moment We Are Moving (61/100)
With each passing moment we are moving towards what can and will be. We have walked backwards our whole lives. How could we possibly ever stop? What other choice is there? If we stop, then the future...
Unless There Is Another Crystal Ball Nearby (60/100)
To take a specific example, consider a crystal ball that can discern the future but cannot predict the outcome. Unless there is another crystal ball nearby that is able to tell us how the crystal...
The Past And The Future Are One And The Same (59/100)
For most of us, the period prior to our own appearance is an inexhaustible mystery, an unreachable horizon where whole movements and figures emerge. The past and the future are one and the same. We...
It Works Like a Giant Flashlight That Lets Everyone See (58/100)
What doesn’t replace a vine existing in a world with a level of complexity all to itself isn’t alive. You may be saying, ”That’s what Darwinian selection is all about! There...
The Jumbo Pigeon Is An Extremely Rare Event (57/100)
”The jumbo pigeon is an extremely rare event which, due to the sheer amount of pigeons which die each year, almost never happens, and in case of a jumbo pigeon event, is highly unlikely to...
We Preferred Asking Them To Talk With Each Other (56/100)
”Rather than asking people to decide what future is the most important to them, we preferred asking them to talk with each other about what they valued most in life.” Teksti on generoitu...
We Are Not So Different From Bees (55/100)
”We’re not so different from bees, or apes, or Neanderthals, and it’s important to think about the things that we want, and are afraid, to lose.” Teksti on generoitu GPT-2...
Everyone Gets Bored Of The Same Old Books (54/100)
Everyone gets bored of the same old books; what new information are we missing? What new ideas could we have about how we go about doing things? The Scanner display on the bottom-right of the datapad...
Download Following Issues (53/100)
Download the Summer 2007 issue: Anthropocene: A Radical Plan for a Post-Carbon Earth Download the Autumn 2006 issue: Using Humans as Lifelines Download the Summer 2005 issue: System Change and...